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North Nibley Pre-school runs two sessions per day, Monday to Friday, Term time only (ie. 39 weeks of the year).  


The children are encouraged to be involved in activities throughout the day and have the opportunity to remain inside the main hall at North Nibley Village Hall, or venture outside into the small external area.  All staff are qualified to Level 3 standard.


The Pre-school supplies morning snacks and drinks each day.  The staff and children go out on walks almost every day, for exercise and also to explore the surrounding area.  Looking for colours, insects etc.



Session Times 


Our opening times are:                                               NB: children are required to attend a

                                                                                     a minimum of two sessions per week.

Monday            9.00am - 1pm

Tuesday             9.00am to 3.30pm

Wednesday       9.00am to 3.30pm

Thursday           9.00am to 3.30pm

Friday               9.00am to 3.30pm


Total time open in a typical week is 30 hours


We operate during the following hours (Term time only,

ie. 39 weeks per year):


Morning Session 9:00am -1pm


Afternoon Session 1:00pm - 3:30pm


All day 9:00am - 3.30pm

Fees &Funding

We are registered to accept the Nursery Education Grant (NEG).  This is available to eligible children aged two, three and four years.  Where a child does not qualify for the NEG, then fees apply. The funding that is available to use at the setting is:


  • 9 to 23 month old funding; 

  • Achieving 2 year old funding;

  • Working Parents 2 year old funding:

  • 15 hours (universal) entitlement for all 3 year olds;

  • 15 hours (extended) entitlement for 3 & 4 year olds


NB: North Nibley Pre-school only accepts children from the age of 2 at the setting.


For more information on the above funding please see here for an information sheet.  Note that the Working Parents 2 year old funding and the 15 hours (extended) entitlement funding requires eligibility to be renewed every 3 months.


Fees are payable per term in advance, and can be paid by cash, cheque, BACS or childcare vouchers. Fees must still be paid if children are absent without notice for a short period of time. For your child to keep their place, you must pay the fees. Fees are charged to cover running costs only, and are payable for any sessions attended that are not funded by the NEG.


For those not eligible for the grant, we currently charge £4.95 per hour.


Please note that from 1 September 2024 we will be increasing our hourly rate and moving to a split rate rathter than a flat fee.  From September, hours not covered by funding will be charged as follows:

  • £5.95/hour for 2 year olds

  • £5.45/hour for 3 & 4 year olds


Each half-Term we ask for a voluntary contribution of £15 for snacks and sundries, as allowed through our Local Provider Agreement with Gloucestershire County Council.  Whilst not an obligatory charge, there is an expectation for parents to pay this, to support the provision of healthy snacks, fruit and sundries. 


Please note that for nappy-wearing children, their invoice will include a mandatory charge of £15/half-term to cover the cost of nappy disposal (in line with Government regulations), and to reflect increased demands on staff time.  However, if you use reusable nappies the half-termly charge is reduced to £5.


In addition to this we take a £50 deposit to secure your child's place - which is payable within 10 working days of the confirmed enquiry.  This is deducted from your child's first invoice.


NB: Times and fees may change.  We will be glad to confirm at the time of application.  


Some families may qualify for financial assistance, for example Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) or Disability Access Funding (DAF).  EYPP funding is available for eligible 3 and 4 year olds in receipt of NEF.  Criteria for eligibility is set by Gloucestershire County Council. As of 1 April 2024, DAF is now available for eligible 2 year olds.  For more information on EYPP and DAF and how you may be able to obtain this for us to support your child, please click here.  


For further information about the different help available on childcare costs visit Glosfamiliesdirectory





Childcare choices is a cross government campaign that aims to make more parents aware of financial support on offer to help them with costs of childcare.  The above website brings all existing childcare offers in one place, ie.


  • tax-free childcare accounts;

  • 15 hours childcare for 9 to 23 month olds of working parents (from September 2024);

  • 15 hours childcare for 2-year-olds of working parents (from April 2024);

  • 30 hours childcare funding of working parents;

  • Universal Credit childcare.


The online childcare support checker helps parents to find the right childcare offer for them and learn how much money they can save.


Changes in childcare funding came into fruition from April 2024, when working parents of children aged 2 (as at 31 March 2024) became eligible for 15 hours free funding.  Then from September 2024 working parents of 9 to 23 month old children became eligible for 15 hours free funding too.  Applications are via the Childcare Choices website.


Sign up to the Childcare Choices Newsletter to keep up to date about these changes, and keep abreast of further changes from September 2025.


See what is available now and in the future via the Childcare Choices website - (and a quick reference here).


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